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Licences.lv starts its work!
We are pleased to announce that the Latvian Motorcyclists Federation (LaMSF), starting season 2017, is offering a new, multi-functional licensing system for riders, referees, organizers, mechanics, trainers, teams, tracks, motorcycles and media representatives - www.licences.lv
The aim of the new system is to ease the topical issues of the riders, related with obtaining licenses and registration process for races. The following system will provide an opportunity to use the services offered by LaMSF on e-environment much more modern and easier, without the necessary arrival to LaMSF office.
Only registered users can use the services of the system - riders, teams, LaMSF members, race organizers, track owners, referees, mechanics, trainers and media representatives.
By authorizing on www.licences.lv system, the user can order a license and register for races, as well as follow the results. Unregistered users, which are the motorsport’s fans, will be able to see the list of licensed members, the list of upcoming races and the results of the competitions.
The main advantages of www.licences.lv system are:
- Rider and competition related members licensing;
- Riders registration for races;
- The result accounting;
- Referees report preparation and submission on e-environment;
- For race commentators - information and database about the athletes.
You are welcome to get to know the new system and to register. As any new system, also www.licences.lv will work in test mode on 2017. In case of uncertainties or if any information necessary, please contact LaMSF office, where you will get the advice both - by telephone or in person at Darzciema street 60, Riga
In case of uncertainty and any of the system-related questions please contact LaMSF office by telephone number 29441380 or e-mail address .